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Gatwick Diamond Business Awards 2023

Gatwick Diamond Business Awards 2023


Entering the Gatwick Diamond Business Awards is free and open to any business that is located in or trades in the Gatwick Diamond region – you do not need to be a member of any particular business organisation.

Why enter?
The process of completing your application form will show you and your staff the great things that you do. It will also highlight the processes and practices in place as well as identify further opportunities for improvement. 

There are some amazing categories available to enter – you can find out more and download an entry form here:

Entries need to be in by 18th November.

And don’t forget to put the 23rd March 2023 in your diaries now for the awards dinner – it will be a night to remember!

If you have any questions on the Awards programme or the categories you should be considering, contact 

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