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Milestone moment in multi-million-pound schemes to support Manor Royal's economic growth

Milestone moment in multi-million-pound schemes to support Manor Royal's economic growth

Two key decisions have been made to support economic growth in Crawley through the award of multi-million-pound contracts for the Manor Royal Highways Improvement scheme and Eastern Gateway project.

Detailed design and further engagement have been completed for the Manor Royal scheme and it is proposed that the construction contract for Phase 1 is awarded to Telent Ltd, the County Council's incumbent traffic signals supplier.

The scheme will:

Provide improvements to the junctions on the A23 London Road that will reduce congestion and support the delivery of jobs and economic growth within the Manor Royal Business District.

Provide a one-way system on Metcalf Way/County Oak Way.

Provide walking and cycling improvements to the junctions on the A23 London Road.

Provide a bus lane on Manor Royal that will reduce bus journey times and increase bus reliability.

Detailed design and further engagement have also now been completed for the Eastern Gateway improvement scheme.

It is proposed that the project's delivery is now progressed to construction by letting the Stage 2 construction contract to Volker Fitzpatrick Limited.

The Eastern Gateway scheme will:

Improve connectivity between the town and key development sites including the Town Hall, County Buildings, Crawley College and Telford Place.

Support the delivery of residential development in Crawley town centre - the Crawley Growth Programme identifies a commitment to secure the delivery of more than 1,000 additional homes needed in the town centre to create a new neighbourhood where people live and work.

Support the delivery of commercial development in Crawley town centre: the Crawley Growth Programme identifies an aspiration to provide an additional 135,000sqm of commercial space across the borough.

Improve the public realm environment in the town.

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